Ever eat a meal and feel like you have a rock sitting in your stomach hours after? Or maybe you’re just constantly feeling distended after everything you eat? This stems from the body not breaking down food properly, and while it causes physical discomfort, this can also lead to more serious issues down the road as well!
Luckily, PureFactor formulated solutions to help support your digestion & GI. Let’s talk about the reasons for slow digestion & how PureFactor can help.
What causes slow digestion?
Slow digestion can be caused by minor lifestyle habits or deeper rooted issues. Lifestyle habits causing slow digestion:
- Not chewing food thoroughly - eating too fast
- Eating in a stressful environment (driving, during a stressful task)
- Eating a meal too high in protein, fats or fiber
- Eating too much volume in one meal (ex. Large salads)
- Poor meal timing
- Eating too close to bedtime
Deeper rooted issues causing slow digestion:
- Low stomach acid
- Poor enzyme function
- Low amounts of beneficial bacteria in the gut
- Overgrowth of opportunistic bacteria
- Infections like SIBO (Small intestine bacteria overgrowth) or candida
So, while lifestyle factors can certainly cause slower digestion, deeper rooted issues can also contribute to your body not properly digesting / absorbing food as it should.
And what can cause these deeper rooted issues? There are several different root causes like chronic stress, poor nutrition, surgery, and past trauma. To really get to the bottom of your issues, we suggest functional testing using a GI Map stool test to uncover any imbalances or infections.
As part of treatment for any issue involving digestive distress, we’ve developed key products that can transform your GI & support the breakdown of food!
Digest Factor is designed to support digestive wellness and nutrient absorption. It contains a blend of digestive enzymes that target the breakdown of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates in the body.
- Simply taking one cap prior to every meal will massively improve your body’s ability to break down & absorb those nutrients, so you’re not left feeling heavy & sluggish!
- Outside of its incredible gut healing and antiinflammatory properties, L Glutamine can also support proper neurotransmitter production to assist in mood and cognitive function.
- Taking Gluta Factor daily not only balances the immune system, but also helps seal the gut lining to reduce the risk of leaky gut!
Stacking both Digest Factor & Gluta Factor sets your body up to more efficiently break down food, improve motility, & protect the gut lining.
Our professionals use both of these items as part of the healing process even for individuals experiencing more serious GI issues! Pick these up on purefactorformulations.com and let us know what you think!